Our Doulas
Doula is a word with Greek origins meaning “a woman who serves”. Today, doula refers to a trained professional who will provide the emotional, physical and informational support before, during and after childbirth. Research shows that women need fewer medical interventions when they have a doula by their side.​ We undertake ongoing CPD training to enhance our skills. We are all members of Doula UK and abide by their code of conduct.

Sara Benetti
Sara is a recognised birth doula, and member and one of the Directors of Doula UK. She has been working as a doula since 2014 on a part-time basis, and has supported many families and types of births: home births, hospital births, caesareans, VBACs, inductions, breech births, twins and triplets, freebirths. She is passionate about human rights in pregnancy and birth.

Birth Doula, Trauma Resolution, Aromatherapy, Biomechanics for Birth, Closing the Bones
I am a birth doula and 3 Step practitioner with 10 years of experience, based in Coleraine, on the North Coast of Northern Ireland, but cover many areas including Northern, Belfast, Southern and Western HSC Trusts.
Mum to two children and a scientist by training, both roles have shaped and contributed to my work as a doula.
I first came to know about doulas in 2007 when expecting my first child, and as an Italian living abroad, I missed the support of an extended family around me. As a doula, I hope to provide the loving and positive support one can get from someone who knows them well, and who also knows what pregnancy and birth can really be like, with their joys and sorrows, discomforts and pleasure.
The wishes, feelings and needs of the parents and families I support are my priority and I help them navigate their options and what is best for them and their babies. Some of my clients have specific health and personal circumstances and they believe in having a doula as an additional support person they are familiar and comfortable with. I also support families who just want to do some birth preparation specific to their needs, either around birth choices or to practice techniques to support optimal baby's positioning and comfort to mum.
As a doula, I have heard many beautiful birth stories but also people discussing their traumatic experiences in different aspects of their pregnancy, birth and postnatal journey and as 3 Step practitioner I can help overcome any trauma or distressing feeling related to previous experiences (birth but not only!).
I am a member of the Northern SHC Trust’s Maternity Services Liaison Committee and Bereavement group.
Apart for birth…I love the sea, long walks, yoga and running :)

Anne Glover
Anne works full time as a birth and postnatal doula. She has supported over 100 births in 9 years. She is also very passionate about HypnoBirthing and informing families of their choices around birth and the postnatal period. She is a strong believer in empowering mothers to find their own, unique way to birth and bond with their babies.
Birth Doula, HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator, Postnatal Doula, Closing the Bones
I returned to Northern Ireland in 2015 after living overseas with my family for almost 30 years. I’ve always been drawn to babies and children, and totally intrigued with birth since being my sister’s birth partner many moons ago! My 3 children are all grown up now and I have plenty of time to devote to my passion – supporting families through pregnancy, birth and parenthood. I feel very passionate about empowering mothers to choose how they wish to birth their babies, to be listened to, respected and completely supported when they may be feeling vulnerable or overwhelmed; before, during and after birth.
I trained as a doula in June 2015 and am now a recognised doula with Doula UK. I absolutely thrive on being a full time doula and have attended over 100 births in 9 years. I’ve supported families at home, in Midwife Led Units and Obstetric Units all over Northern Ireland. Whilst supporting a family as a birth doula, I was thrilled to witness a beautiful, calm, gentle hypnobirth in water. This experience led me to train as a HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator in 2017.
Family are my life and I really love chilling with my grown up babies. I do take time for myself being a yogi, occasional runner, an avid knitter and devourer of any book I get my hands on! I volunteer for AIMS and Doula UK, and I’m also a Doula UK mentor to new doulas. Being a doula is the best job in the world!
Tara Thompson
Tara is a Senior Woman’s Yoga Specialist offering yoga for women of all life stages in her studio @The Little Yoga House Belfast. Constantly inspired by the women attending her classes, her thirst for knowledge grew leading her to train in 2018 as a Doula. She is a recognised doula with Doula UK and has gained experience in many types of birth in different settings and has recently attended birth number 40.

Birth Doula, HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator, Women’s Specialist Yoga Teacher, 3 Step Process, Reflexology, Aromatherapy, Biomechanics for Birth, Closing the Bones
Tara is a Mum of 3 and loves all things Pregnancy, Birth & Baby.
As well as teaching Yoga and being a Doula, she is a HypnoBirthing Childbirth Educator, 3 Step Rewind Practitioner & Reflexologist.
It is such a pleasure to work with Pregnant and Postnatal Women on a daily basis, offering emotional and practical support. The journey of Pregnancy to Motherhood is so unique and every woman’s ideal Birth looks different. I truly believe that every woman’s Birth should be an experience she can treasure! Preparing well and having good support will increase the chances of having a Positive Birth Experience.
My family are my inspiration – I’m mostly hanging out with them but do love coffee catch ups with friends, dinner dates and early morning danders.